One of the self-proclaimed 'geezers' at the coffee shop saddled over to me one early morning and generally inquired as to how I came into existence and what brought me here to heaven to work in a coffee shop. I told him that I was 'in transition' a state I now realize will be my perpetual fate. But, I did manage to get out the fact that, "Well, sir, I'm here because of the land. In part." Well kid!, he said. You should check out...and he gave me a treasure map of Maine, including Morse Mountain. Rest assured you will see more of his advice later in the blog. He was a retired businessman turned nature lover/hiker and drinker of half decaf half dark because, "Anything else would kill me."
The place is absolutely beautiful. The full name is the Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area (500+acres)/ It's a nature preserve managed by the Harward Center of Bates College for environmental research and education. The mountain summitt is one of the highest points on the mid-Maine coast, rising 117 ft above sea level. A convienient by-product of the place is its unwitty ability to calm and nurture the soul of any visitor who finishes the 4 mile trek to the mountain summitt, through gorgeous saltwater marshes and out to Seawall Beach.
In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. ~ John Muir
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